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Licence Agreement
Kyiv ___________ 202__
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), hereinafter referred to as "the Institute" represented by its director academician of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine Komisarenko S. V. acting on the basis of the Statute, on the one hand, and the author/s
(the first and the last name of the author/s) hereinafter referred to as "the Author", on the other hand, hereinafter called together
“The Parties”, have signed this Agreement about the following:
1. The Author renders to the Institute exclusive rights of property gratis to use the article
hereinafter "the Article", in any form and by any means.
2. Since the moment of signing the Agreement (of conditions that the Article is accepted for publication) the Institute possesses the exclusive right to edit, adapt and translate into any language, to reproduce and publish, as well as to distribute the Article in unrestricted edition the Article in any form and format at any media and in any way without Commercial Usage.
3. This assignment of Author’s right would be realized during the full term of the copyright validity of the Article and would be valid on the territory of all the countries of the world.
4. All the copies of the Article, both the paper and electronic, should contain the information about the copyright of the Institute
(© Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2023) and the full bibliographic reference to the Article.
5. In the case if the manuscript of the article is not accepted by the Institute for publication within twelve months (about what the Author will be informed in written form) or it is recalled by the Author before the article is accepted "to be printed" this Agreement looses its force and is canceled and at that the copyright is returned to the Author.
6. The Institute confirms the reservation for the Author of the following rights:
- the patent rights, rights of commercial description and the right of any processes, substances, materials and methods described in the Article;
- the right to produce various copies, including electronic ones, for their own use by the author’s colleagus, to use them for sale, for the systematic dissemination through mass mailing via e-mail, as well as to place them on a public server;
- the right of the subsequent use of the whole Article or its parts in reviews, dissertations, books, lectures.
7. The Author guarantees that the given Article has not been published earlier and will not be published wherever before its publication by the Institute and that its copyright has not been rendered to other publishers.
8. The Author guarantees that the given Article is an original work of the Author and is not a copy of any other work. The Author guarantees that he has obtained all the necessary permissions to use in his Article the materials protected with the copyright.
9. The Author guarantees that the utilization by the Institute of the copyright which is gained as the result of this Agreement will not entail the infringement of the copyright of some other persons and organizations and will not divulge secret or confidential information, as well as the given Article is not an in-house document, i.e., it is not created in the course of official duties of the Author or official assignment given by the employer.
10. According to this license the readers of “Biotechnologia Acta” have got rights to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the published articles, even commercially, as long as they credit for the original creation.
11. The action of this Agreement is regulated by the legislation of Ukraine.
12. All amendments, annexes, acts are drawn up in writing by the Parties and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
13. This Agreement has been executed in two copies, in English and Ukrainian languages, which are authentic, one copy for each
of the Parties. In case of any disputes a preference is given to the Ukrainian variant.
14. Legal addresses, banking information and signatures of the Parties:
For Institute:
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Building 9, Leontovich street, Ukraine, 01601,
Director of the Institute, academician of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine
_______________________ Komisarenko S. V.
For Author/s ______________________________________
(the first and the last name of the Author/s, signature)